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Embed playable Youtube videos
Embed your Spotify track, album or podcast episode
Listen to Soundcloud tracks
Embed your Twitch clips or channels.
Embed playable Tiktok videos
Schedule meetings with Calendly
Schedule meetings with TidyCal
- More apps coming soon
Frequently asked questions
- What's a link in bio tool and why do I need one?
A link in bio tool is a tool that allows you to share multiple links in one link. It's a great way to share all your content in one place and track its performance.
- How do I get started?
Simply sign up for a free account and start creating your Biolinky.
- How much does it cost?
Biolinky is free to use. You can upgrade to a pro account for more features.
- How do I upgrade to a pro account?
You can upgrade to a pro account by clicking on the upgrade button in your Biolinky dashboard.